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Joint ABM & AIBIM Press Release - Impersonation Scam Awareness

NSRC officers will never contact you! So, beware of scammers pretending to be one! Here’s how they will usually try to scam you:

1.       You receive a call from someone claiming to be from NSRC

2.       The scammer accuses you of using your account for illegal activities

3.       The scammer conducts a fake interrogation to make you believe them

4.       Then, the scammer will try to scam you into giving your debit/ATM card to them

Remember, NSRC officers will never call you directly. NSRC is a call centre and only receives incoming calls from the public. If you receive a call from someone claiming to be an NSRC officer, just hang up!

If you need help or suspect you have been scammed, call us at [ICBCM Hotline at 1800-18-5588] or NSRC at 997 immediately!


Joint ABM & AIBIM Press Release - Impersonation Scam Awareness
