工银马来西亚个人按揭贷款 找到最适合您的按揭贷款
产品特点*: -以日计的优厚利率 -更高的融资率 -较长的贷款期限 -适用于为所有类型的建成或未建成的住宅业物或商用物业。 * 附带条款与细则
服务渠道**: 我们的客户经理会根据您的收入、支出以及家庭资产等情况,为您量身定做个人融资计划,合理计划现金流的分配,并力争通过最简化的手续、最短的时间完成贷款的申请、审批与发放。 **须工作时间
办理流程: 敬请前往工银各分行提交按揭贷款申请。
房贷计算机: 敬请使用我们的房贷计算机估计您每月的还款承诺。>> >>
参考利率 指示性的有效贷款利率(三十年的标准房屋贷款RM350,000及无锁定期限)是3.97%。

Month-Year |
Jan-15 |
Jul-16 |
Jan-18 |
May-19 |
Jan-20 |
Mar-20 |
May-20 |
Jul-20 |
May-22 |
Jul-22 |
Aug-22 |
Published Standardised Base Rate |
3.25% |
3.00% |
3.25% |
3.00% |
2.75% |
2.50% |
2.00% |
1.75% |
2.00% |
2.25% |
2.25% |
Published Base Rate |
4.02% |
3.77% |
4.02% |
3.77% |
3.52% |
3.27% |
2.77% |
2.52% |
2.77% |
3.02% |
3.02% |
Published Base Lending Rate |
6.95% |
6.70% |
6.95% |
6.70% |
6.45% |
6.20% |
5.70% |
5.45% |
5.70% |
5.95% |
5.95% |
Published Effective Lending Rate |
4.75% |
4.65% |
4.75% |
4.60% |
4.47% |
4.22% |
3.72% |
3.47% |
3.72% |
3.97% |
3.97% |
1)The SBR was introduced on 1 August 2022. The dark blue line in the graph and the dark blue numbers shows the historical series of the OPR,which is the benchmark rate or the SBR.
2)Indicative effective lending rate refers to the annual indicative effective lending rate for a standard 30 years housing / home loan product with loan amount of RM350K and has no lock in period.
Click here for Standardised Base Rate (SBR) Frequently Asked Questions.
个人房屋贷款的一般条规与条件 >>
