I. Financial Authorization Three levels authorization Flexible to set the amount limit for different levels Assign different administrator for every account Two level electronic certificate for personal identification
II. Account Management Account Balance enquiry Statement enquiry and download
III. Payments Management Internal account fund transfer Inward remittance & Outward remittance Batch transfer service. You can make payments to 200 payees in one transaction.
IV. Fixed Deposit Open fixed deposit account Account enquiry Fixed Deposit premature withdrawal
V. Customer Service Electronic Certificate management Pay annual fee Customer authorization enquiry Change logon password Change corporate profile Setup the Welcome page
VI. Accept the agreement online After your setting the transfer date, payee and amount, the transfer will be effected automatically on the scheduled date.
VII. Online Payroll service Funds will be available immediately after your setting up the payroll service with us. Online e-Payroll slip service is also available.
VIII. Corporate Internet Banking Forms Corporate Internet Banking Application Form >> Corporate Internet Banking Maintenance Form >>